Monday, May 11, 2015


Episode Two - SI


LOG LINE: Luna fortune teller is an episode that involves twists and turns of the fortunes of interview subjects and the magazine.

SYNOPSIS: Luna is progressing with the inquiry into fortunes and what the offerings are of the psychic realm and new age offers with a candid look at it’s efficacy with humor. Xillia has her fortune read by a crystal ball reader where she learns she will meet a man later.
She leaves the tent at the psychic fair with humor about the reading. Adam interviews Edward the sleep walker who avoids his fate of burglary by letting the cat out in his sleep repeatedly. Lawrence and Sandy two business partners fight on the street and Xillia interferes confiscating Sandy’s bullets as he points the gun at Lawrence his business partner who stole his wife.

Meanwhile Adam interviews a colonics practitioner and decides his morning coffee is his choice for bowl management than embarking on a new regimen. Xillia and Levian find amulets of power that allow for the protection of the late night traveler with skulls that emit a siren that is almost EFA.

The magazine gang learn about Stargate Effect business consulting and holographic business tools of consciousness.

Xillia has her car towed and teleports to the towing yard amazed at her experience.  She falls for Timothy the levitation instructor who she meets at an old church they fall for each other as predicted by the clichĂ© psychic looking at the crystal ball.

Levian has a catharsis over conch shells and finding your calling and the plight of Marielle who experiences a revealing reality upon the death of her physically disabled son.

Cassandra and Rupinder the Indian caterer decide to date after an affectionate romp on the sofa.

The magazine staff enjoy a weekend of festivities after their issue is complete. 

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