Thursday, October 22, 2015


Pre production notes by author are for concepts only for future producers of Luna to get ideas from the author producers may or may not chose to use  these for the TV show when it is in production.  Enjoy these I put here for some creative input to the writing.  

Luna is a visually rich teleplay for those who have the budget to make it one of the most famous shows in the history of TV with intended world wide TV station orders and DVD season collections sales marketing of the four seasons that are being written. One innovation with new TV possible is language settings like rentals sold with the show to other countries if they do this for new TV's and have a setting for it continued in the technology which some have already. We have an option for a fifth season if we are begged for more. 

Luna is set largely in Los Angeles; a city with a myriad of opportunities for quality sets and location shoots.  Graphics digital engineering is there for cost effective ways to reduce special effects expense for the space craft depicted, master adepts phenomenon and also places where phenomenon takes place such as the emerging Golden City.  Buildings can be graphics designed from the outside with sets built for interior look adding a surreal effect of 'out of the local space time' in some shots for areas with master adept influence have that look.  Out door garden and nature settings where phenomenon takes place also may be spruced up with a little digital graphics inclusion.

As the season II progresses there is an increase in space time warps and phenomenon depicted to make this a  real treat for visuals with exceptional writing and acting intended. 

The sets are also modernized with technology 10 to 20 years forward ideally this is a basic look concept suggested.  With any new technology or look to add retro elements like our love of antiques is still very attractive. 

The character Adam is worldly likes fine things; has a flair of big business money with a love of antiques; his dwelling. He has classic styling with a touch of modernism in his dress and surroundings. Larger TV:)

The building may resemble this:

Xillia appears to look like a spy often with basic black slick clothing and primary colors; bold to offset this look; shiny straight hair, glamour slick office a little more toned down and after hours more of the glam.

Timothy is stylish yet casually comfortable in his dress; that mix; longish hair, serene yet strong presence in his role.  His style is Santa Fe like; some remnants of his life in Sedona with modernism Xillia likes their expanse apartment.  Example below with better art:)

Cassandra is Chanel like feminine suits stylish with her partner from India Rupinder they also have a blend in British Indian styling with casual flair also in their home. 


Later in SII Richia who is stylishly dressed with silky fabrics; simple design with some accentuated styling on jackets shoes, has some Asian flair with modernism in her home as well.

Some great looks from Indo china styling for Richia's apartment.

Levian has a clean guy next door energy with basic styling; fresh stone, khaki, blues basic colors dress casual and work attire usually loses his jacket somewhere and tie. In fact loose ties its the future on the guys if you like. His abode may resemble this example hold the birds:)

Like the earlier slightly more basic living quarters of the characters in early episodes with styling slightly less expanse and filled out like character development so with the first Luna office it is less 'rich' stylish but basic. Here when the office moves to the location over the golf course here are some looks:

Possible Levian's styling: 

Remove furniture Lounge look possibly; a concept.  

Front reception area chairs area only not back. 

Xillia's office concept styling not size.

Cassandra's office styling look.

Adam's office concept; kill the book case behind the table:

Back porch overlooking golf course concept.

Adams office would be dark woods, rich leather and fabric colors; more worldly business.

Board room concepts:

These are some ideas to get the office of Luna Magazine going. Add a few plants and create a general look with distinct styles in each persons office that is their own style.


Bird woman.

Eastern sun.

Initiation mask shone on what is still left for other initiates from the goddess in the next life time to continue the work in reincarnation. 

Mask of Initiation shone on. 

Entity breaking through the wall. Initiatory Beast mask goddesses.

Undulating lines of creation.

Eastern Sun

Chaos of lesser sun and future Resurrection of Eastern sun. 

The mirror of Hathor initiation; true face.

Horus the Elder's resurrection from scorpion bite.

Little scouts delivery people running errands.

Procession of entities in Hathor's family and their initiations attained.

Original Invocation. 

Lightning from Initiations. 

Contained within the one wearing the understanding of the initiation of the Eastern sun.

Horus the Elder having passed his initiation to be the current of cold fire of the Eastern sun analogy.

Tossing the ball (cold fire of inner neuron firing sequence apparition in auric field) safe in the Eastern sun. This happens when you focus intently also on a task under pressure with success to accomplish your task non sexually as pertaining to this illustration.  

Luna Golden City  Images to inspire the mind are here:  Some are new lighting also incorporating fiber optics some are fabrics furniture beginning to emerge with fiber optics as well some basic concepts are here and what is missing are gold and rosy golden rooms all lit up from within and some with bead like fiber optics  for added richness; all this can be used for Golden City concepts which are beginning to emerge in architecture as well around the world.

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